Privacy & Policy

Privacy & Policy

The Brand named “DigiAdOps Services”, Subsidiarily owned by LydiaGS IMPEX International Pvt Limited company (“we,” or “us”), owns and operates the website (the “Website”) linked to this privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe how DigiAdOps Services brand may treat and use information we may collect when you use the Website or DigiAdOps Services brand’s services. This Privacy Policy discloses what information we gather, how we use that information, what choices you have concerning the collection and disclosure of your personal information, and how you can correct or change that information. We recognize that information privacy is an ongoing responsibility, and we will update this Privacy Policy from time to time as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy policies.

In summary, you should know that:

This Privacy Policy only applies to information gathered from the Website. It does not apply to any other information collected or obtained through other means, or information collected by one of our customers on that customer’s own website or online properties.

“DigiAdOps”, collects personal information to provide its services, which involve the programming, tracking, recording, managing and publishing of advertisements on our customers’ websites. DigiAdOps does not collect any personally identifiable information, except for the information you provide through your direct input on the Website. We do collect information relating to your website usage and information from cookies, as described below. We do not knowingly attempt to solicit or receive information from children.

DigiAdOps will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent, except as required to provide you with DigiAdOps services.

DigiAdOps does not sell, rent, or share your personal information to any third party without your consent, except as required to provide you with DigiAdOps services.

DigiAdOps has security measures in place to help keep your personal information secure.


When we use the terms “personally identifiable information” and “personal information,” we mean information that identifies a particular individual, such as contact information (including full name, street address or email address); demographic information (such as age or gender); unique identifiers (such as your user ID or password); and financial information (such as your credit card number).


Whenever you visit the Website, DigiAdOps may use cookies to receive and store certain types of internet usage information, such as your IP address and click-stream data, as well as information on how the Website is used, visit history, including section visits, operating system and browser type information. DigiAdOps will not collect data relating to sensitive data categories, such as past or current activity of browsers on gambling, adult, government agency, or child-oriented sites, personal health, race, religion, ethnicity, criminal record, political opinions or beliefs, union membership, sexual orientation or behavior. The usage information does not contain personally identifiable information, and will only be used to determine how the Website is being used and help us create a better, faster, more efficient Website and provide you with better content.


Cookies are bits of data stored on your hard drive that contain no personal information but which help enhance your web-browsing experience. Not all web browsers accept cookies, and those that do usually provide a preference or setting that allows you to refuse and remove most types of browser cookies. You may opt-out of DigiAdOps’s data collection activities by turning off the cookies on your browser. If you change computers or browsers, or use multiple computers or browsers or delete your cookies, you will need to repeat this opt out process for each computer and each browser. If you visit without cookies enabled, it will turn off some features of the site.

Some servicers may use Flash cookies, or local shared objects, to store preferences or personalize content. Similarly, some services use web beacons, which are electronic images that deliver cookies, count visits, determine if emails have been opened, or evaluate usage. Server logs similarly capture information, such as the time and date of the visit to the Website, the browser and the operating system being used and more. DigiAdOps does not use Flash cookies, web beacons or server logs to gather data on its Website.

For more information regarding online advertising, cookies and their use, you can visit and/or For additional information on how to opt out of data collection, you can visit and


Any information collected via the Website is owned by DigiAdOps and we may use it for our own purposes, including marketing. Such information may also be used to contact you about the Website; provide you with services or information you have requested or ordered; monitor or improve the use of the Website; customize the advertising and content you see; and monitor compliance with our terms and conditions of use of the Website. Further, to the extent DigiAdOps does collect any information via the Website, DigiAdOps does not share any such information with any other website or entity.


You should be aware that when you are on the Website you could be directed to other websites beyond our control, which may include websites of DigiAdOps’s customers, advertisers or market partners. Even if those websites reflect the services of DigiAdOps, or have the look and feel of the DigiAdOps Website, any interaction on that website will be with the owner of that website, and that party’s privacy policy will govern any information gathered. These other websites may independently collect data, use cookies or solicit personal information and may or may not have their own published privacy policies. If you visit a website that is linked to the Website, you should consult that website’s privacy policy before providing any personal information. All websites utilizing DigiAdOps services are required to have such a privacy policy.


In addition to the foregoing concerning customer websites, DigiAdOps may collect, or work with third party technologies that collect, information about visitors to DigiAdOps’s customer websites (“DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information”). DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information includes, for example:

IP address, browser type, browser history, ISP, browser language, referring website addresses, date and time of visits, search keywords, page view history, activities and actions on the customer website, user location (city, country, zip code), date and time stamp, types of advertisements viewed and click data, and visitor’s device information, including make, model, operating system, and data connection type.

DigiAdOps may use the DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information to better target advertising and advertising campaigns to visitors of DigiAdOps customer websites. The information may also be used to operate and improve DigiAdOps services; to customize the advertising and content you see on the customer website; to report on or forecast advertisement or advertisement campaign performance, including preparing visitor activity summaries; and to determine user responses to advertisements and advertisement campaigns. DigiAdOps may supplement the DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information with information provided by third parties to enhance these uses. DigiAdOps may share the DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information with its partners to help them deliver targeted advertisements and advertising campaigns to visitors to customer websites and with those who help DigiAdOps provide its services. DigiAdOps may also share the DigiAdOps Alpha Collected Information as necessary to comply with laws or regulatory requirements and to respond to lawful requests and legal process, to protect the rights and property of DigiAdOps, its affiliates, agents and customers or in the case of an emergency to protect the safety of our employees, agents, customers or any person.


DigiAdOps is headquartered in Mysore, in the India. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the privacy practices of the Website, please contact us by email at or by mail at:

DigiAdOps Services No103H, Part B KIADB Employees (HBCS), 5th Main Road, Hebbal 2nd Stage, Mysuru, Karnataka 570017, India

Attention: Privacy Group


If you wish to confirm that we are processing your personal data, or to have access to the personal data we may have about you, please contact us at

CHOICE/OPT-OUT: We provide you with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us at any point where we request information. If you do not want to receive future communications from us, please contact us by sending an email to

CORRECT/UPDATE. If you want to change or modify information you have previously provided to us, please contact us by sending an email to


We store your personal data on our servers, and on the servers of the cloud-based database management services we engage, located in America. We retain data for as long as needed to provide our services, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. For more information on where and how long your personal data is stored, and for more information on your rights of erasure and portability, please contact us by email or by mail at the addresses indicated above.


If we are subject to a merger or acquisition with/by another company, or if we experience some other change of control event, any or all user-related information may be transferred in connection with such change of ownership or control event. While we cannot guarantee that any entity receiving such information in connection with any of these transactions will comply with all the terms of this Privacy Policy, we will advise the new entity that it is required to follow this or a similar privacy policy that complies with all applicable laws relating to your personal information.


We do not allow third parties to track or collect your personal information on our sites for their own advertising purposes without your explicit consent.


Our websites are general audience websites and not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from users deemed to be children under their respective national laws.


DigiAdOps reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Changes to this Privacy Policy will apply to information we have received and information we receive after the revised Privacy Policy is effective. When we do amend this Privacy Policy, the revised Policy will be posted here so please visit this Web page to view the most current Privacy Policy. The effective date of this version of the Privacy Policy is September 01’2023.

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